Board Games | Die Hard Games
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Meeple Morning In Carcassonne.jpg

Board Games

The world of games is always growing. With everything out there, it can be hard to find exactly what you're looking for. That's why we've divided our board games into sections with categories to make it easier to find exactly the perfect game. Plus, on the back of each box we have placed a sticker with the Board Game Geek rating (1 - 10) to give you an idea of what people are saying about it.

Area/City/Route Building Games

Area/City/Route Building games compel players to construct, connect and control a specific area in a way that is efficient, powerful, and/or lucrative through economic funds or points.

Carcassonne 4 The Tower 4

Cooperative Games

Players coordinate their actions to achieve a common win condition or conditions. Players all win or lose the game together.

Marvel Champions Card Game Core 1

Dexterity Games

Action/Dexterity games often compete players' physical reflexes and co-ordination as a determinant of overall success.

Sticky Cthulhu

Party Games

Party games are games that encourage social interaction. They generally have easy setups and simple rules, and they can accommodate large groups of people and play in a short amount of time.

Red Dragon Inn

Strategy Games

A strategy game is a game in which the players' decision-making skills have a high significance in determining the outcome. They often require decision tree analysis, or probabilistic estimation in the case of games with chance elements. These games include abstract games, with artificial rules and little or no theme.

Ark Nova 11

Consignment Games

Die Hard Games features a Used Games section, full of gently used games at great prices. These games are sold on a consignment basis. Each item (or set of items) has an accompanying condition report, completed by the seller, full of helpful information about the games’ condition and completeness. Swing on by and check out the offerings – they change all the time!

Several meeples with a die near them.

Organized Events

From Open Board Game Days to Family Board Game Nights, there is always room for a board game!

07-2017 (2).jpg

Auction/Bidding/Bluffing Games

Players commit a stake of currency or resources to purchase a chance of winning what is at stake which could be power, position, money, auctioned items. These auctioned gods allow players future action or improve a position. At times bluffing is encouraged to deceive players to achieve their aims.

Alhambra The City Gates 2

Deduction Games

Deduction games are those that require players to form conclusions based on available premises. These games are quite varied, including several different types of logical reasoning. Some, players arrive at a conclusion after narrowing possibilities to determine the answer based on observations and player-driven feedback clues, even if not all may be truthful.

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective The Thames Murders & other Cases

Family Games

These are games age appropriate and suitable for the entire family.


Puzzles & Puzzle Games

Puzzle games are those in which the players are trying to solve a puzzle. Many Puzzle games require players to use problem solving, pattern recognition, organization and/or sequencing to reach their objectives.


Worker Placement Games

Worker Placement is a stylized form of Action Drafting, players place tokens to trigger an action from a set of actions available to all players, generally one-at-a-time and in turn order. Each player usually has a limited number of tokens and actions with which to participate in the process, although these may increase as the game progresses


Board Game Geek Top 50

Board Game Geek is an worldwide online resource and community that aims to be the definitive source for board game and card game content. We try to keep the top 50 in stock for your convenience.

Board Game Geek Top 50.png

Charity Board Game Events

Board Games + Good Deeds = "I am there"

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